
10 February 2008

Catching up

I didn't have time to write an entry last week. In fact, there are so many things happening, I've barely got time to write one today. I've still managed to find time for some Oxfam fair trade chocolate, though.

I went to the Mawson Lakes Environmental Expo last Thursday. I was hoping to make contact with a few like-minded individuals and organisations, and it's amazing how much it gets you thinking when you do. I caught up with a fellow "peaknik" (that is, someone concerned enough about peak oil that they are actually doing something about it) and had a chat with him, since I didn't arrive early enough to attend his lecture. He and I are both a bit worried that these sorts of lectures tend to preach to the choir, which has gotten me thinking about how to reach people who are a bit more cynical - such as just about everyone I know.

Work has gone from being OK to disastrous to excellent in the space of 24
hours. I had long since hit a wall, which I finally got over on Thursday afternoon, only to hit another far more minor one - but it was too late in the day not to get aggravated about it. My boss spent some time with me on Friday morning, which couldn't have been timed any better, and things are moving in the right direction again.

What else have I done? I've sent what I hope to be a final draft of the video I shot of my friend's cat, but I haven't heard back. (It needs my signature anyway, and I haven't fired up LiveType for it yet.) I went to a pan-Asian restaurant called Vietnam to celebrate Chinese New Year with some friends. I've been to see Cloverfield, although I didn't see what has been alleged to happen at the end, and none of the videos I've seen on YouTube have helped me spot it. I'm still chipping away at Super Mario Galaxy, I'm still shopping for a new iPod, and I'm still waiting for the Adelaide 36ers season to end.

The iPod thing is weird. I'm thinking about replacing the old Photo with a more modern one that can play video. The problem is that I also use it to take notes when I'm writing basketball match reports, and it seems that none of the voice recorder attachments work with the current generation of iPods, particularly the iPod Touch. Of course, if there aren't any more matches here this season, this won't be an issue for seven or eight months. Personally, I'm leaning towards the models with flash memory rather than a hard disk, to keep the weight down, just in case I actually pull my finger out and stop driving to work.

I have three goals for this week. Firstly, I have a steadily-increasing queue of movies and documentaries to diminish. Secondly, I want to get my old laptop ready to sell and have a flier ready to put up next weekend. (I talked to a friend of mine today about putting one up at the local university campus.) Thirdly, I have a few things to post, but I'm not likely to get to a post office before Saturday morning. Given that I have a deadline at work this same Friday, for which I'm really going to be racing, I'm going to be completely spent by the end of it, I reckon.

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